Blame it all on the guys. The ones on the Supreme Court. Yesterday, the five men of SCOTUS ganged up and outvoted the four women to overturn a key component of the Clean Water Act. As a result, the EPA, which is already stressed due to the loss of numerous employees, has to go back and reassess every permit to provide specific limitations, per contaminate, for what can be dumped into fresh water.
Prior to this new order, the EPA issued limitations that measured the results. In short, the water had to still be considered ‘clean.’ Somehow, the men on the Supreme Court don’t understand what ‘clean’ means. Be thankful you’re not the one who has to follow these guys around picking up their dirty underwear. Until the EPA goes back and re-issues licenses, all waterways are at risk. Anyone can dump pretty much anything they wish, no questions asked.
Let’s just stop for a minute and think about what that means. Pathogens like bacteria, viruses, and parasites just love living in untreated water. What’s the harm? Typhoid. Cholera. Hepatitis. E. Coli. You know, things that we thought we didn’t have to worry about because the water is supposed to be clean! The EPA has also made sure that unused pharmaceuticals don’t get dumped into the water. Why? Because the drugs can cause CANCER, damage to your nervous system, and infertility, among other nasty things.
Without the water being checked and verified, algae blooms occur, causing dead zones in which no aquatic life can grow. The food chain becomes disrupted as animals drink the contaminated water and become ill. Wildlife that feeds on fish and other marine life may not survive with a severe disruption to their ecosystem. If you think food prices are high now, just wait until bird flu isn’t the only disease roaming around farms!
This is a direct attack on the health and safety of every American, and every body of water that is downstream from us. The EPA was stretched at the seams before this administration took over. Now, the combination of reduced staff and new requirements makes their job almost impossible. The end result can only be that America, especially our most vulnerable, will see increases in life-threatening diseases.
This is an all-around failure of Felonious Punk’s leadership. How much more indignity and outright stupidity must we suffer? How many people are we willing to let die?
Perhaps we should force them all to drink the results of their filth and see what happens.