
Publisher Photo

The Publisher

The Publisher is a grizzled old son-of-a-bitch who always thinks things should be better than they are and thinks too many papers use the concept of ‘journalistic integrity’ to avoid living up to their obligation to tell the truth. A hardcore liberal and human rights champion, he needs coffee to operate well in public.

Our Staff

These people made the mistake of asking The Publisher if they could help. They haven’t seen daylight or their families ever since. They work tirelessly searching out facts from biased news stories, fueled by caffeine, and the hope for actual press badges and the chance to work in the field. Some are real dogs.

Our Purpose

We genuinely believe the world is in a bad place unlike anything seen since World War 2. Complicating matters is the fact that the US President actively retaliates against those who tell the truth. We work to bridge that gap, fuel resistance, and keep the planet from dying.

Our Images

We use AI-generated images for two reasons. 1) We can’t afford real photographers. 2) We don’t have access to image banks. Remember, we’re running on a tight budget here. We have to use the stuff that’s free.

Our Characters

We further protect ourselves from potential retaliation by substituting the names of some infamous people. For example, Felonious Punk, aka President Shitforbrains is the US President. Muskrat is that Tesla guy. We don’t trust evil people.